Our School Held an Opening Ceremony Promotion Meeting with Zheng He College (Abu Dhabi) of the United Arab Emirates.

Publisher:英文站Release Time:2024-07-15Number Of Visits:10

On March 12 afternoon, our school organized the Zheng He College (Abu Dhabi) opening ceremony promotion meeting in room 201 of the office building, with the meeting held online and offline.


Zheng Xing, a third-level investigator from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education's Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office, attended the meeting, as did Zhao Yonggang, general manager of the Jiangsu Provincial Overseas Cooperation and Investment Company, Liu Yi, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Yangtze International Talents Development Co., Ltd., Xu Hua, vice president of Yangzhou Vocational and Technical College, and Principal Wen Huabin of our school. The meeting was chaired by Vice President Chen Xiaoqin.


Chen Xiaoqin first gave a brief introduction to the construction of Zheng He College and the preparatory work done for the opening ceremony. Representatives from the two colleges reported on specific issues such as curriculum development, the construction plan of the Zheng He Culture Museum, the job duties and responsibilities of the dispatched personnel, and the schedule of the opening ceremony.


Zhao Yonggang proposed three suggestions for the construction of Zheng He College, taking into account the current development status of the companies in the China-Arab Industrial Park and their employees. The first suggestion was to enhance the political position, fully recognizing the importance and necessity of the construction of Zheng He College; the second was to take into account the local needs in Abu Dhabi and make full use of the brand effect of Zheng He College; and the third was to pay attention to practical results, exploring a quantitative evaluation model.


Wen Huabin said in his speech that the promotion meeting was very practical and the representatives of the four parties had made detailed reports and shared their experiences, which achieved remarkable results. He emphasized that before the college opened, the four parties should not only prepare the work well, but also broaden their horizons, take a long-term view, and conduct practical research to accurately identify the core needs. He proposed that the four parties should unite and take a positive attitude, so that the results of Zheng He College can really take root and bear fruit in the UAE.


After the meeting, the participants also visited the school's history museum, Zheng He Maritime Culture Museum and Maritime Virtual Simulation Training Room.