Party Secretary Wan Jian Made a Speech at the Provincial Education Work Conference

Publisher:英文站Release Time:2024-07-14Number Of Visits:10

      On February 3, 2024, the Provincial Education Work Conference was held in Nanjing. Members of the leadership team of the Jiangsu Education Department and the Provincial Education Working Committee, as well as officials from education administrative departments and universities in various regions, attended the meeting.

     As the only representative of a vocational college, Wan Jian, the Secretary of the Party Committee of JMI, gave a speech on the topic of Implementing Student-centered Education and Teaching Reform and Focusing on Improving Key School Running Abilities. He systematically introduced our college's philosophy of "Ability is honed", focusing on the core, path, and key of ability cultivation, deepening comprehensive reforms such as talent cultivation mode, project-based education and teaching, and teacher-student evaluation, and striving to make "students active, classrooms lively, and teachers strong".

      In recent years, JMI has adhered to the principle of cultivating morality and putting students at the center, always paying attention to students' growth needs, learning outcomes, and lifelong development. It has continuously deepened the "OBE+project-based" education and teaching reform, achieved a transformation of talent cultivation from the traditional teacher-centered subject knowledge training system to a student-centered quality and ability training system, and promoted the continuous improvement of key educational capabilities. JMI has passed the quality evaluation of maritime education and training by the National Maritime Administration with ranking first in vocational colleges and ranking fifth among both undergraduate and vocational colleges. It has been selected as one of the Top 50 in terms of national education effectiveness, service development, and international influence, as well as four major lists including student development index, teacher development index, service contribution, and resource construction through the evaluation of the National Maritime Administration's maritime education and training quality.